
Sunday, March 17, 2024

In the frame

 On my way to church, I saw this backless bookcase had been put out to the curb. I asked at the house and made sure it was a 'giveaway' and said I would be back with my brother-in-law and his truck to pick it up. To me, this was a treasure, a ready made raised garden bed frame. Actually this was not a bookcase, but a bed frame, upon which a box spring or mattress would have topped. 80"x60".  All I need do is get some cardboard to place over the grass (weeds really) and under this frame and add dirt!

 In another part of town I spied these big IKEA boxes, also put out at the curb. Just exactly what I needed for the foundation of the raised bed! Cardboard covers the grass and the soil covers the board and the plants are happy to grow there. 

 On a different street I  spied another 'bookcase' at the  curb and thought, Perfect! I'll take that one too. This one is smaller, about 4'x2', but it will do just fine. I have other cardboard to use under this one.
 Another freebie, from the same house with the IKEA boxes, was this plastic packing material which I needed as we are going to have a freeze tonight and I wanted to cover the plants that I have perhaps planted too early. 

I am slowly filling the fiber garden bags, mixing my own potting mix from coconut coir, compost and Perlite. The bags will sit on the tarp, and I have one more large tarp to add to this set. Yet to be filled are three more round beds and 10 bags of 30 lb each. All of this in preparation for the last frost date and then planting!

Quietly in my laundry room greenhouse, the elephant ear bulbs have sprouted and I am going to have to get them planted very soon. 

Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Garden Begins

 My wonderful landscape guys arrived early today and began to dig out that front sod bed, in preparation for my flowers and trees. Yay!! So very happy.
They made quick work of it, and were done before I came home from bible study. A lot of that sod went into a 'break an ankle' low spot, and will fill in with Bermuda grass, with no help from anyone.
 I asked for enough compost to fill my veggie beds in the back of the house. But I only got as far as filling one 100 gallon bed, before I gave out. Tomorrow it is supposed to rain all day so I was prepared to cover the remaining compost and save it for another day.

 Here's the first of many bag gardens. At this time it is 100% compost but I will augment it with perlite and coir fiber and fill other bags from this 'mother' bag. It's from Temu and is 48" wide and a foot deep. 

 Here's one coir block which I let sit in water until it broke down. It took over an hour, but we went to Home Depot and Walmart in the meantime, so no biggie. It's very fine fiberour stuff and will be lovely in the bags, holding water better than just soil.

 While at Home Depot I spied these gorgeous orangey Heuchera, to insert among my baby hosta. In the white pots are Stella D'oro daylilies which will go in soon.

 But this is the best part. All that weedy sod is gone, or shall I say, moved to another part of the yard. This will be my Japanese Maple tree spot, with sunloving flowers surrounding it all. So thrilled to have this emptied and filled with good compost. I can get really excited about dirt. 

 Here's the previous low spot. So much safer now.

 And my lettuces continue to charm me.

Catching Up

I've been having a bit of a staycation, just being lazy and enjoying the warm Spring sunshine on my front porch. Basking in it while the air is still cool, and storing up Vitamin D, if that is a thing.

In the afternoons, I knit a pair of socks from some really luxurious Zen Yarn Garden sock yarn, merino, cashmere and nylon. If I had purchased this yarn at the store, I would have paid $34.25 for the skein. But nooooo! It came from an estate sale and was pennies instead.  I used a toe up pattern and then finished with a stretchy bind off, which looks better on the foot than pictured here. Because the yarn is hand dyed, the second sock is a different shade, but matching is overrated, I always say. 

I was also working on my new poncho pattern when I ran out of yarn, again. This time tho, I found a fellow knitter on Ravelry who was selling just what I needed and it soon appeared in my mailbox, and I will get back to this project as soon as the weather gets nasty. 
 I've moved out the plants from my laundry room greenhouse but still have my sweet potatoes in water. I will have more than I need of slips to plant and will have to find another gardener who wants to grow these Beauregard beauties. I've grown these before and was amazed at how huge they will get and so abundant. Absolutely no hassle from pests and they love the really hot summer temps. 

 Just this morning I decided to sow some more seeds and prepared my peat pots with potting mix. I am soaking them at the moment and later I will decide what to plant. My lettuce in eggshells are doing great outside and have begun sprouting their second sets of leaves. Today the high will be 80 degrees, a fluke, and then rain like crazy tomorrow, which is just perfect. 
Yesterday I got ambitious and swept the carport and brought out tables and chairs and the plastic rug, to cover the greasespot, common to all driveways. We had lunch and then I read a bit in my loungechair before drifting off to sleep. 

 My friend Patsy and I are making socks with another fancy schmancy yarn from that same estate sale. More cashmere/merino/silk this time. Who would wear socks made from this 'expensive' yarn? We will!

Monday, March 4, 2024

Planting Day

 O yes, these little egg cups are just the perfect incubator for my lettuce seeds. I put them directly outdoors for the last four or five days, during the rain and cloudy days. No matter, they have sprouted! I can count the individual plants, by color, and am so pleased, as you can tell.
I loaded the shells with the potting mix that came with my bulbs, and just spritzed them with water. The rain did the rest. It was gentle at first, and soaked the tray well.  I will put these in the ground soon, and may even pinch out a few, choosing the sturdiest seedling to keep.  Seed starting outdoors is so much easier than setting up lights etc, indoors.  'Course it's easy with hardy stuff like lettuce.

 In this tray I have six calla rhyzomes of various colors, probably yellow. And three living hosta (Olive Bailey Langdon) and one dead one. My growing zone has changed this year to 8a from 7b. Global warming I guess. In the past I have overwintered calla lilies effortlessy, just leaving them in the ground. The micro climate where I will plant these (today!!) is pretty safe for them.

 This is a pink bearded Iris, one of three which were dry and brittle and looked hopeless when I opened the package. But after soaking them for over a week, look at those green shoots and long roots! I may go buy some more. 3 for $5.42 at my local Walmart. Can't beat that price. At our fancy schmancy nursery, a potted iris goes for like $9 each.

And nine more hosta ready to go into the hosta bed. Patroit and Stained Glass.

 And this is the hosta that gave me hope. I ignored it since last August, never watering it and expecting it to die. But noooooo! It spouted visible nodes weeks ago and now we have green leaves. So thrilling. It is a biggie, and lime-y yellow green which will contrast nicely with the darker greens and white of the other hosta. I counted thirteen leaf nodes altogether. Woowoo!

 This is a collection of just sprouted Dutch Iris. You may not be able to see their slender stalks just yet, but they are there. 

 Asiatic Lilies, 2 out of five have sprouted. Disappointing, but soon they will be on sale at Lowe's, once the blooms have faded, and I will get bunches of them. I live closer than ever to Lowe's now, heehee. 

 Indoors in my laundry room greenhouse, I have sweet potatoes sprouting and roots are visible. These will become slips which I will get in the raised beds once soil is made available at my local stores. 
On Wednesday my lawn guy, Audelio, came to look at my lawn and has agreed to dig out the sod in my future flower bed, and load it up with new compost and top it with mulch. This won't happen until next week, but I am so happy to know that this job is not gonna be the ruination of my knees. We have several places in the yard that once were tree filled and now are big empty holes. He will fill those up and make it safe to walk around without falling in or spraining an ankle. Speaking of trees, we don't have a single one. That won't last.