
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Scrappy Guilt Trip Four Patch Top

 Scrappy Guilt Trip, 59x72", machine pieced top. A few weeks ago I got obsessed (guilt!) with using up my scraps and made a gazillion four patch blocks, in a willy-nilly fashion. 
I paid dearly for the thoughtless anti-design sewing. None of my ideas seemed to work to make these blocks into a quilt. Then today it hit me. I put all my four patches on the wall and saw that they could go together like this and in a few hours my design came to life. Hurray! What a relief!
 My long held background fabric is my design made by Springs Industries from my Hollyhocks II quilt. I have yardage in both navy and black and have never used it until now. 

The original quilt was quilted in my hand dyed pearl cotton #12 thread, which was copied and made into this fabric.


  1. Oh splendid! A wonderful way to use up the four patch blocks. I love that Springs took your quilting design for a fabric run. I love the navy version.

  2. TA DA!!! It's smashing!!!!!

  3. What a great quilt. It proves that you can make art out of something out of "thoughtless anti design sewing"

  4. Beautiful! I just used the last of that fabric, in black. I never realized it was yours!

  5. I just stumbled in from Pinterest. What a glorious showcase of scraps. Love it so much I think I need to go have a little look around at the rest of your blog.

  6. Oh splendid! A wonderful way to use up the four patch blocks. I love that Springs took your quilting design for a fabric run.

