Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Cardivest Semi-Pattern

 I've had several (two) requests for this pattern, so you non-knitters, just chat amongst yourselves whilst I elucidate. This not a real step by step pattern, so you must figure out your own yarns, gauge, needles, swatches etc. Be brave and try stuff! This design works with any yarn combo, or even one color (boring). I usually use size 8 needles and worsted or dk or a combination of both, or either. 31 stitches for triangles and 63 for the diamonds. The side panels are where you can figure your needed dimensions. More rows equal wider inches. Simple. Sometimes I use size 9 needles for the side panels.
I begin with casting on 3 stitches and make the first triangle, #1, increasing one stitch in from each of the edges, front side only. In this instance, I arrive at 31 stitches and then I begin the second triangle #2 by decreasing on the left side only, until the stitches run out. Cut yarn and begin triangle #3 by picking up stitches along #2. Decrease on right side only until stitches run out. Do not cut yarn. Make #4 by picking up stitches along #3, decreasing on left side, cut yarn and begin on #5, decreasing on right side. 
Second front panel is the same only reversed.
 The ruler is placed where triangle #1 ends and #2 begins. The blue yarn is always the color to begin.

 The back is done similarly, with two beginning triangles, #1 knit separately (31 sts.)and then #2 is knit (31sts). Joining them begin diamond #3 and add one center stitch for a count of 63 stitches. Diamond #3 is made with decreases over the center 3 stitches, so it pays to mark those until you can recognize where to do decreases on following rows. Decrease: Sl1, k2tog, psso.  For triangle 4, pick up stitches along #3 and knit them as you did on the front panels.  For triangle #9, decrease in the center 3 stitches as usual, but also decrease on each edge until 5 stitches remain. Bind off.

 Pick up stitches for side panels, connecting front and back tops with knit markers or tie the two end threads together. This is just to keep them in place until the side panel is knit. I don't count how many stitches I pick up along the front and back panels, but you can if you seriously want them to match. 

 After I finish the panels, I sometimes go back and add a teeny triangle to round out the hard neckline angles of the meeting panels. It varies every time I do it and you might figure out a nice way for yourself. 
 Looks ok here, I guess.

Sew up sides with mattress stitch and add buttons. Oops, make the button band by picking  up stitches and make 5 buttonholes in right side band, but you knew that.


  1. Thanks for the instructions, this is very pretty.

  2. Thanks so much for the semi-pattern. Love it. Was just going to start another top, but this one comes first :)

  3. Pretty snazzy vest here. Did a bunch of miter square things about 3-4 yrs ago and it was great fun. May just try my hand at your pattern. Thanx for sharing.

  4. What a lovely pattern - I have recently dyed some wool that I cant bear to part with - I think this will be its job! Thank you Melody

  5. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us, much appreciated


  6. thank you for sharing this with us all. this may well be an answer of what to do with wool i have been knitting and undoing at least twice over and never getting the result i wished for. thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and experience.

    1. Grazie infinite..mi piace molto questo modello..con tanta lana che mi ritrovo. Sono in convalescenza, per tre mesi, avendo subito un 'intervento..e questa passione per la maglieria mi aiuta molto...Grazie 🙏

  7. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! Your work speaks to my heart and creativity. I would love to meet you in person and see all of your creations. You inspired me to knit again after a long drought. (And my quilter sister flipped over your quilts!)

  8. I love this. Thank you for sharing this <3 <3 <3

  9. Love this design. Will definitely give it a try.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Just’s on the top of my priority list now! Thanks for sharing.

  12. Clever design! H'mmm - I have for unknown/forgotten reasons a lot of variegated yarn. Might make it larger all over, skip the side seams, and have a ruana!


  13. This is a shame! Your pattern, Diamond Panel Jacket, was featured on a knitting site, but the link leads nowhere!! Too bad.
