Friday, June 21, 2024

McCall's 5992

The Philip Jacobs fabric from my quilting stash, is like 8 years old. This pattern is likewise an old favorite. I changed the neckline to accomodate the necklace I made from polymer clay and some glass beads. The fit of this pattern is what draws me back to it over and over again. It's slimming without the addition of darts, which never seem to be placed anywhere near where they might be effective. 
I like the longer length, and added side and back slits to make it easier for sitting. Side seam pockets with bias binding is my new fave way to have them. For the sleeves, I did an elastic gather, which works for pushing up the sleeves or leaving them long.

It's not the season for wearing this yet, but it makes sense to sew it now. I have the  fabric in magenta or teal green for coordinating slacks.

 This is Butterick B6214 and I 've made it twice. Very simple and yet it fits just perfectly. This version in handkerchief linen is so light and cool to wear but being linen, O how it wrinkles. We'll see what it feels like in cotton. Because it is so plain. it allows for something creative to make it interesting. 


  1. You are so right about darts! They should make patterns with darts if you are under 50 and then darts by the waistline if you are over 50 (or maybe, as in my case, by my hips… and heading for the knees!?!)

    1. LOL. So true.

      What they really need to do is cure gravity.

  2. After a certain age darts just look ridiculous.

    Sometimes the old patterns are best. You've already modified them for fit, know how to sew them up quick and are used to the fit. It seems now every time I'm itching for a new pattern I look and say "but I already have that". The only new patterns I buy now are Folkwear because no, I don't already have that.

    Just bought some flamingo fabric to do up the Cathy Hardwicke jumpsuit again. You inspired me as I haven't sewn for myself in years. But about time I started to put me first.

    Thank you also for the inspiration to get my garden going. The south planter is filled in and looking beautiful. I have a yellow calla lily that just won't quit.. I just planted 8 miniature roses on the opposite side of the front walkway. I sprinkles some marigolds and alyssum around them. Once they all start to grow and fill it it is going to be magical. Now the push is on to get the birdbath finally installed in the front yard. Yet another project stalled but finally going to get done.

    All I can say is I better be losing weight after all of this activity.

  3. Nancy Olivia Hoffmann/Nancy Olivia DesignsJune 23, 2024 at 8:06 PM

    This is gorgeous. Very impressed with the necklace!
