Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Sideways Cowl #2

My enthusiasm for this colorwork technique is evident in this second iteration of my Sideways Cowl. I couldn't wait to get out more yarn and try it again. This time I went with worsted weight, rather than dk /sport weight and of course larger needles. It went swimmingly and has a really different look and feel. I also chose more pastel or Springtime colors and used just two yarns, Casablanca and Taiyo, both combinations which include silk and wool, while the Taiyo is 40% cotton. I think this would be nice for those windy days ahead, when one could turn it around and wear it as a hood. 

I like it worn slightly to the side too.  Here are the back view and the flat view.
When I make a knit available for sale, I price it according to the cost of the yarn and the time involved in knitting it. So this was fast and fun and used only two skeins which makes is $45 including shipping. Yay! 
Email me at fibermania at g mail dot com. SOLD


  1. Would you make another simimiar? Turquoise, lime, hot punk etc??

  2. This pattern is very beautiful but for me it's too complication. I'm sorry...
