Hotcakes #3
Hand dyed cottons, prints, fused, machine quilted and mounted on painted wood panel 12" square.$100 plus shipping. Email me. SOLD

The working title was Hotcakes on the GRIDdle, just to amuse myself.
I have overdone it in the garden and had to have a day off, or so I planned. But I did buy some begonias, and a bird feeder and bean seeds and bird seeds, so nevermind. I didn't get up to the studio until 1pm. which is pretty late. And my wrist is sore from so much digging in the clay/rock/muck in the front bed, so I was determined to work with already cut scraps, as much as possible. OK fine. Then the piece called for narrow strips which had to be cut, so I pushed myself to carefully work the rotary cutter. One never knows how the finished work will appear, but I am surprised to see this design evolve. I am showing it in three different aspects, because who knows which end is up?