The other day I got stopped for speeding.
The nice policeman (what a hunk) asked me when I had my last speeding ticket. Um...42 years ago in Illinois. So it's not like I'm an incorrigible criminal.
"Where was I going?"
To my sister's house.
"Is it on fire?"
(ain't he funny?)
So he asked what I do for a living...I wanted to say race car driver, but held my tongue. Instead I said,
"Retired, I'm an artist".
And I felt like I was lying on the stand. Oowhee.
When was the last time I made art? Well, that painted board I made for my BFF Patsy's birthday, but that was like one thing in six months or more.
It ate at me for days that I lied.
I didn't get the ticket just a warning...caught driving a red sports car. Hmmm.
OK so I mentioned to my sister that I noticed some old work of mine on Pinterest (how nice that they remind me daily what I used to be doing with my time and talents) and it got to me, a little bit, like a mosquito bite.
When I think about going into my studio, I walk in and turn right around. It's just too dark and uninviting. The big windows face west and don't allow much light in until the late afternoon, right around nap time, when I don't want to be creating anything but sweet dreams.
And then in my sister's studio I noticed her windows face east and she gets flooded with morning sun.
So bright and inviting. Aha! I have a space just like that. The dining room!
Whamo...I began imagining how I would use that space and then started moving out furniture and moving in other stuff. Putting the ironing mat back on that table and raising it up on bed risers, dragging in my thread caddy, my fused fabrics on that shelf system meant for shoes, and a table from our entry way to hold stuff like tools and measuring thingies, and pretty soon I had a bright happy creating place.

The sewing machine woulda-coulda been coated with dust from disuse, but it sat inside a closet, untouched since we moved in last September. Now I have wheeled it out (everything on wheels, O if were only so) and found a nice spot for it, considering feng shui for the whole arrangement. Then I placed my teeny design wall on the space adjacent and pinned up my initial efforts of a new knitted scarf pattern. (Looks like a fancy jock strap, no?)

The bookcase was full of books that got switched out for my wood panels, so I am ready to make new stuff that will eventually get mounted on those. Some similarly sized art work is also on the shelves to remind me what I used to make...and a few bins of fused scraps which will help get me started. Under that red table is a lime green bin of batting, cut down to workable sizes, also facilitating new work.
The front porch, the screen porch, the kitchen table. Not a problem. For formal dinners...what, like Thanksgiving?, I can easily return the dining table to normal height, wheel out the sewing machine and thread cart, and it is good to go.
Ok, we likey.
Now in the old studio, I suddenly have an empty closet, for like 10 seconds and moved my bins of yarn (most of it anyway) into the closet and out from under my bed where it shared the space with blobs of doggie hair. Wow. I gotta vacuum.
It is supposed to rain today and I pray it does since it has been two or more weeks or dryness, meaning I have to water daily. But the flowers are doing great. Here's some views.
These lilies came with the house. Nice huh?