The new sod is in! Hurray!! The builder said they would re-sod the parkway and they came through. Last summer killed the original sod, as we had 90+ degree days and no rain at all. This time we BELIEVE we can get this started right by daily watering before it gets too hot. (That empty spot is a man hole cover).

I've been gardening already, by adding more top soil to our beds and transplanting the two trees we moved (in pots) from our last house. This coral bark maple got sun burnt, so it got a good haircut and is ready to live and flourish (or else!) in the front bed. New perennials were planted: two blue Baptisia and one yellow one, plus three pink coneflowers. 12-15 Stargazer lily bulbs are planted dead center and I have 50 gladiolus bulbs to add to this bed. The blue porch pots will get annuals and some shade loving flowers like impatiens, and begonias.

The long bed has the other Japaneses maple, red empress or something like that, and five white azaleas (on sale!) as well as a teeny tiny Chicago Hardy Fig tree. It will grow really fast, as I learned from experience, so I don't mind how little it is now.

It's about 18" tall today. My hosta collection remains in pots or planted against the north wall below the screened porch, well out of the sun. I am gonna try not to buy any new ones...she says.
I'm pretty darned excited to be gardening again and can hardly wait for seed planting days to arrive.
Nasturtiums, Larkspur (I should know better), Blue Bedder sage, Pinwheel zinnias and Basil of course.