I saw this on Pinterest (heard that before?) and for some reason it got me motivated.
It hit me that the stuff that I own has begun to own me. Like use me or else! The pressure of having this much yarn and fabric is oppressive. Becoming a septuagenarian has also made me question Will I ever use all this stuff? It controls my future and and now I want to take that control back.
Also, I was thinking of those people in California who lost everything to fire. If I lost everything and had to replace it all what would I really replace? That got me seriously thinking about how I want to spend the rest of my years. I do love to knit and sew. But all the yarn I bought was for sweaters and jackets to sell, and I don't care about doing that anymore. As for the fabric, most of it was 'a great deal' and I had to take advantage of the bargain. Or it is leftover from my quilting career, selling hand dyed fabric, and it is like from 2002 and I still have it. Moving it all 5 times! I'll definitely be bringing that excess to our church quilting room.
So the next question is what will I keep and then what will I do with it? Time will tell.

Saturday I began dumping out bins of yarn and organizing them into like piles. I put matching yarns in bags and into bins of worsted, DK, fingering and whatnots.
My plan was to empty one whole rolling rack, which I did. And this is what I kept. As you can see, I still have plenty. All the bins that I emptied will be filled with fabric that must go.
I'm planning on attacking the fabric stash today.
This was taken four years and three houses ago. It has grown, and gotten a lot messier. I'll tell you this, I am keeping my pre-fused fabrics and do plan on making small works again. And painting too. La dee dah!