Well Friends, I guess I have some 'splainin' to do.
I skipped a few days of blogging and then that grew into more and soon I realized my routine had changed so much that blogging didn't automatically happen as it once did. And I never did get into the Instagram habit, so that languishes too.
We are fine...mostly. I have been put in charge ( for real this time) of dispensing Dave's meds in order to get him 'under control' and curb his over usage of some of his drugs in hopes of keeping him on a more even keel. While it has worked to some extent, I do have to be on top of things as he needs these meds every hour on the hour day and night. Luckily we have some time release versions which give me 3 hours of sleep between doses. I am amazed at the human brain's ability to tell time. I wake up at precisely 3am, without the use of an alarm clock. The dogs get me up at 6 for their food and that coincides with another Dave dose. So it is working. However he is still paranoid and hallucinates at bit and has not let go of his imaginary nemesis, so I have to remind him frequently that these things don't exist.
The garden is lush and the patio is such a great retreat space for us both. It is cool and shady in the mornings and later after 6pm, but the sun blazes mid-day and we stay indoors.
In the first week of May my sister moved into her new house and that was such a happy event, ending lots of fretting about selling and finding the right new place. So I was all caught up in her life for a while. Then Dave's sister and husband came for a nice three day visit and we had a great time with them. And I am busy at church, the knitting group and with my arty friends, meeting often and enjoying the camaraderie. Life is full and wonderful.
So I ask myself..should I keep the blog? 15 years is a long time to be doing this, and now instead of blogging in the morning, I am doing a daily bible/prayer time and of course that is so good for my outlook.
I'm not so needy of the attention I once sought with 'Look what I just made' and lost interest in using the blog as a sales platform, which I once felt I needed. I'm grateful for the fact that
I re-discovered how much I love to read and having a great little library just down the road has made it so easy to load up with mysteries and novels and put up my feet and get into a book.
My wonderful cleaner Kelly is taking over the glamorizing of our house, even down to power washing the driveway. She was just here today for her weekly cleaning and I am loving the results, as you might imagine.
In July I am having my kitchen redone...always gotta tweak the places we live to make them 'mine' and that'll be the last renovation project on my list for this house.
So we are all caught up and I guess I am saying that I will leave the blog up for now, even tho I won't be adding new posts. Thanks for all your kind comments, and loyalty, and thank you for being here when I needed you.
Hasta la vista,