My friend Pasty brought me two banana tree starts, and not wanting another hole dug, I bought 5 flower pots and put them in one. The others have individual annuals per pot. Texas Bluebonnets, zinnias, short cosmos and tall cosmos. One tiny pot has a peony and then the flower boxes have coleus and unsprouted trailing nasturtiums.

The calla lilies in the main shade bed are blooming now and I am so thrilled that one is white. Behind them is one of two Empress Wu hosta which I found at Lowe's. They will grow into monsters and I will have to transplant a bunch of stuff as they encroach. Happy to do it.
The Dutch Iris are all open and one is white, which is a surprise treat. One large stalk of lily is behind them and is one of a dozen or so that are waiting in the wings.

On the other side of the driveway is my zinnia bed which I am now referring to as the Cell Block garden, because... it is. Our neighbor cat, Luna, digs in there occasionally, but soon it will be filled with bigger plants and she won't find it so enticing. I also sowed snapdragon seeds there and they have all come up, infinitesimally, but enthusiastic nonetheless. There will be massive thinning in my future. The cells surrounding the bed have lots of lettuces, cilantro, basil, nasturiums, plus one thriving sage.
These two Japanese maples are doing well and I hope the banana trees take and quickly outgrow their pot.
Each morning I go out to inspect the garden and observe as things sprout, open or need deadheading. This makes me so deeply satisfied. I am so glad I decided to have 'one more garden' instead of just leaving it as is. But this is my last garden, even if I do have plans to further expand the one on the front lawn. No more digging for me. My knee and back are just now recovering and I can't take the risk of permanently hurting myself. Raised beds are the thing, plus containers, and because I live in this neighborhood, I don't have any 'yard critics' to discourage me.
Dave is not doing well and dementia is here in full. He is aware of it and 'quits' everyday. I guess that means he quits trying to make sense of his reality. He gets lost in the house, small as it is, and is unable to dress, bathe or feed himself without my help. Now that I am done putting the garden in, I can and will devote more attention to his needs. Things run smoothly if I put in the time, so for now, I will care for him myself. Having help would be nice, and it may come to that, but I can't figure out how to squeeze in that other person. One day at a time, and lots of naps is how we cope.
Thankfully I have wonderful diversions, church, regular visits with my sister and Patsy, and peaceful times walking the old blind dog, very, very slowly.