This was my inspiration, a bias drapey dress, rounded neck, side curved hem, 3/4 sleeves. Pockets to come.
Here's the result. Not too bad on the hanger, but eeeeoouuww, just awful on my body. I guess I am not a 6' tall skinny 20 year old.
What a blob. I think I can reuse this fabric, since there is a great mass of it. But it was not expensive, so lesson learned. Have a chuckle on me.

Could it be a know, to sleep in? Does that sound insensitive? I applaud the effort!
ReplyDeleteI'm really enjoying your forays into making clothing. I too would love to dress in the Gudrun Sjoden designs, but alas my body shape is short and plump! Thanks for sharing...the dress looks awesome on the hanger! I'm not as accomplished as you in making clothing, and would get easily discouraged. Good luck re-purposing the dress fabric.
ReplyDeleteMy sister just called and begged me not to cut up this unfortunate dress. She wants to try it on. So that made me relieved and we'll see if between the two of us, we can salvage something cute from this. BTW, I am using up ancient cheapy fabric to try things out first, before I use the good stuff.
ReplyDeleteIf it doesn't look good on Sis, try pinning up the bottom even with the side slits..I think it would make an interesting blouse..use the leftover fabric for patch pockets..
ReplyDeleteI wonder if you have too much fabric fullness in your version? I like the pattern you selected.... I always thought that if I ever started making apparel again I would invest in a dress form. I think you can get them pretty cheap second hand and or at Joann's with a coupon? Just a thought for fitting and figuring new styles out.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if you had started w/a smaller size in the shoulder area, and graded out from there? That is what I always have to do, shoulders stay at our 20 year old size, too bad the rest of me didn't- grin!!! I also think a more drapey-flimsy-thin rayon type fabric would work well with this style - good luck with your clothing sewing, it can be such a reward!
ReplyDeletedefinitely a hospital gown vibe going on.
ReplyDeleteI am thinking beach...cover up your bikini?
ReplyDeleteYou picked the wrong size. It's to large. Also the fabrics that you choose. For that kind of clothes (I like that style, i do follow your Pinterest board) you need drapey-thin rayon type fabric. - I do admire your talents with quilting, painting AND sewing clothes! :-)
ReplyDeleteI agree with Urs.
DeleteI agree with Urs.
DeleteWell, I disagree with some of the previous comments - I think the problem was the pattern was designed for a 6'6 giraffe! For us gals (I'm 5'2 and definitely could do with loosing a few pounds) the shape needs to be closeish fitting until well under the bust if it's to flare from the hips - otherwise the word "tent" springs all to readily to mind!! Drapey fabric would help, and a non-solid pattern, but still... it's the pattern Melody, not you! On the subject of dress forms, there's a a way of making a perfect "You shaped" form using a few rubbish bags (you call them bin bags I think) and about 20 rolls of parcel tape. You stand, in your underwear, covered in bin liners while a (very good!!) friend wraps you in a gazillion layers of tape. Then you, very carefully, get cut out, tape the cut up and stuff the form with fill, and you have your very own dress form.
ReplyDeleteThat is exactly why I don't sew clothing... much prefer to try things on before I buy them, but then I don't have your incredible talents in the area of clothing construction! I'm sure you will find several solutions to the challenge... you always do!
ReplyDeleteLounge around the house clothing! That is unless your sister ends up loving it.