Our state, Tennessee, has early voting and one could request by mail, a mail-in ballot. But I decided that I would be careful and along with my husband, we lined up outside our town hall, along with many, many others, to cast our vote in person, on the very first day we could, October 14th.
Everyone was masked, and socially distant, well behaved and patient. The line was long but it moved pretty swiftly. I would estimate that it took only 20 minutes to get into the polling place, and at 4:30 in the afternoon, the breezy temps of 78 degrees made it pleasant.
I want my vote to be counted so that on Election Night, it is part of the landslide I hope will be evident.

From your lips to Gods' ears! Let it be a landslide so there is no dispute. I voted too and was in line for about one hour in Texas. I always read your blog, but never comment. But this time, I wanted to say "Amen". Annick H.
ReplyDeleteWell done! Even though I'm not in your country I endorse your wishes.
ReplyDeleteAmen from me here, too, Melody. From little New Zealand, tucked at the bottom of the world, we look in stunned horror at what's happened in America. Praying you and David stay safe and well. ... and sane - that's a not inconsiderable feat in this crazy year. Hugs to you.
ReplyDeleteabsolutely second everything virginia has said... also in nz where we have just finished voting and had a landslide victory as well- nit that we have a head of state anything like yours!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for voting and making your voice heard. I too am hoping for a decisive vote.
ReplyDeleteWith you on all points! we got in and out courtesy of the handicapped entrance, beautiful afternoon like you had. We WILL have a landslide and then hopefully, see things sorted as they should be.
ReplyDeleteAmen to all the above.