I have no scale, since I gave mine to Brooke a while back, and really, who wants to know how much weight I had gained? Not me. But now I needed to have a baseline and went out in the blazing 90+ heat to find one down the road a bit. I came home and grit my teeth and weighed myself. Ghastly!
Once the shock had subsided, I logged on to my preferred weight loss helper Loseit.com and charted a new goal. I already feel better, weighed in this morning and overnight I lost 4.5 pounds of water weight.
How did this happen? Stress eating, lots more wine than I oughta drink, which is all sugar, and ice cream, bread, rice, pasta and potatoes and CHEEESE. Mostly not caring about myself. My knees ache, my feet and my hips ache, which they surely would if I am carrying around 40+ more pounds than I should. That's the equivalent of two huge bags of kitty litter. Imagine that.
So I will record everything that I put in my mouth and never speak of this again, until next April when it will have all been lost.

Melody I would highly recommend this book: http://nograinnopainbook.com/ I stopped eating all grain and slowly lost 10 pounds without even trying. Bottom line grains make you gain weight. Think about what they feed cattle to fatten them up for market faster: grain. Cows naturally east grass not grain. Plus if you do have pain, the not eating grain will eliminate the pain too. I feel healthier and slimmer by not eating grain or sugar anymore. Once I got the junk out of my system I found that I didn't crave it anymore and I ate less naturally. Let's face it sugar, salt, fats and grains are all addictive things that keep us coming back for more. Once you aren't eating addictive things you don't want them. It takes time to purge your body of those "drugs". The food companies know we are addicted and that's why they entice us with those products. Eat real natural foods and your body won't be nutritionally starved. Bottom line is you have to change your eating habits (for life) and some people just cannot or will not do it. Either way, I suggest you read No Grain No Pain because Peter Osborne explains it all so well and I have read a ton on nutrition over the past several decades and his book really hit me. I had no pain, but I wanted to try this and I am a vegan, so for me it was even harder. My husband and I are eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and beans and that's it. But the way we are cooking is so tasty. I think it's because our taste buds are truly alive now. Good luck with whatever you do.
ReplyDeleteGreat advice, Daryl! I know that everything you said is true and the older we get the more unhealthy these foods are for us and it feels like it's impossible to get rid of that weight. When I hit 55 (I'm 69! YIKES...how did that happen???) everything went south...literally! Between HRT drugs and menopause and traveling in an RV (sitting) for hours every day for 3 1/2 years and no exercise to speak of, I started gaining weight. Over the past 14 years I've gained about 40 pounds on my 5'2" body and I feel and look terrible! I haven't changed our way of eating much in that time. My DH is a pasta, bread, popcorn with butter, meat and potatoes kinda guy so I fix it an eat it. I've been retired since 2008 and I'm a home body. Never was much of an outdoor person so walking in 100*+ weather is not appealing to me (we live in AZ). My ankle are stiff and my lower back is nagging me because I'm carrying around this extra weight. I've tried The Dash Diet but can't seem to lose anything. I've always been skinny so this is a real problem for me. I feel ya, Mel :(
ReplyDeleteAlmost 5 years ago, at 5' 2", I had let my weight get up to 176. I started using caloriecount.com (probably a cousin to your loseit.com, Melody) and was able to take off 45 pounds in a year. I kept it off for a year, let things slide over the next year and had to stop eating my fave chocolate candy, 'cause it put about 12 pounds back on me. Got back down, but I still have to watch what I put in my mouth, AND exercise. I go to Silver Sneakers exercise class twice a week, and try to stay active in between. I will never be my svelte self of the 70's and 80's, but I feel like I'm a lot healthier than I was. That's the most important thing we have at this stage - our health. And I plan to stay healthy and fit for as long as I can. Best wishes to you all on doing the same!
ReplyDeleteMelody - you're an inspiration! I'm sure half my problem is the foods I pretend I'm not eating because I'm looking the other way! I'm going to follow your lead and write it ALL down. Yikes! That's scary! I know that when I've held myself accountable I have eaten more sensibly.... coz it looks so bad in black and white! Let's see how it goes, shall we.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your analogy of carrying around those heavy bags of kitty litter! I could stand to lose a bag or two of kitty litter myself!
ReplyDeleteThis post has spurred me into action!!! I desperately need to lose some weight - not only because I will then be able to fit into my clothes in the wardrobe, but also for heath reasons. We do change shape I know as we age but surely I'm still that slim 20 something year old!!!! OK healthy eating for me now, I eat when stressed or tired - no more.
ReplyDeleteThank you Melody. I think it takes courage to be honest and put your weight issue "out there" but, that is why I have followed you all these years. You mention your real life struggles from time to time. We all have them. I am right there with you - been in a state of denial, but my health messages are telling me that I should not ignore my weight any longer. 40 lbs. must go. Bless all of us.