Friday, June 30, 2017

Top Finished

Four Patch Fascination, unquilted top. 63x59". My weekly demo stint has nudged me into trying things that I haven't done in the past. Like traditional blocks! The four patch itself is so simple but with color contrast, solids and print scale it can look complex.This is my block inspired and pinned several times on Pinterest. This uses some really old Alexander Henry scraps. Glad I saved them.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Working on the Wall

The evolution of my current four patch fascination, for my Friday demo. The four patches start as 5" charm squares and the finished patch then measures 4.25". The alternating squares are cut to 4.25" also. Simple and yet dramatic in the layout. 
Right away I abandoned this 'typical' layout.

 Then the final layout. I still need to add edqe squares, and then sew it together!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Bosna #2 Done-a-roo

 Bosna #2, 69x78"Hand dyed and commercial cottons, machine pieced and machine quilted.

Trying to get a photo of red with pink stitching is nearly impossible.

 Same with orange with pink stitching. Duh. What was I thinking?

 Here's some green that shows up.

The yellow is really much brighter, but what matters is that I had fun and was in the zone as I stitched. 

Monday, June 19, 2017

"¿Qué Pasa?"

So what IS happening?
I read the comments and you are asking about Dave and the Dawgs...they're sleeping alot. When Dave is doing well, he is sleeping and when he isn't doing well he is in pain, so not much to say about that. I hide myself away in the sewing room, just quilting along, mesmerized by the moving needle and listening to NPR on the headphones to block out the machine drone.  I'm making up quilting designs as I go along and this quilt offers plenty of open space to doodle. The Bosna series is one I plan to continue, and someday I hope to have a bunch to offer for an exhibit. Big plans...ha! It's so good to have a project to work on that requires no angst.

 How 'bout photos of the garden? In front it is going mad for color. The Stargazers are short but the flowers are huge, while the gladiolas are tall and the flowers are short lived. The gaillardia did not disappoint and I am pleased at their continual blooming.
Thank heaven for nasturtiums which fill in the gaps and flourish even without much care.

I planted hyacinth beans against the trellis and just now they are starting to look enthusiastic and sending out climbing tendrils. The trellis is supported by sunken iron rods covered with PVC pipe and cable tied to the trellis, no nails involved. It stays up even in high winds.
The hosta are happy in their shade and this winter I will divide them and continue the bed along the house.

 We saw this bike wheel-daisy idea on Pinterest and Dave quickly mounted two of the five we had in the garage. The patio garden is doing so-so. Some plants are thriving while my peppers are wimpy. I guess it is not enough sun, for long enough. But the tomatoes have already ripened and I have loved eating those. Green beans too, but still kindy wimpy compared to our previous gardens. O well. 

 I bought a big potted Husky tomato plant and that has been producing continually while my bedded tomatoes are still green. I am patient. It's only June for heaven's sake! 
Our doggie fence didn't keep little Tony from jumping it and running down the alley. So we have to be out there with them to keep them safe and at home.
Life is calm and pretty darn satisfying. The last house in our  neighborhood was finished last week and the people moved in, so we are pretty much done with construction. Yay!!! There are condos being built one street over but they are far enough away to keep trucks from blocking our street. 

Friday, June 16, 2017

Bosna #6 Quilting

Is this an unusual color scheme for me? You bet! Bosna #6, 58x65". Some of the fabric is my hand dyed cotton sateen, which has a satiny surface, showing the quilting better.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Bosna #5 Completed

Bosna #5, 58x65", hand dyed cottons, commercial cottons, machine pieced and machine quilted.

Bosna #1
Bosna #2

 The rest of the series, Bosna #1 was gifted to our churches previous pastor, Diane Stocker. Bosna #2 and #3 are yet to be quilted and then Bosna #6 is also unquilted. This is a good start to the series which I plan to continue.

Bosna #3
Bosna #4, quilted
Bosna #6

Friday, June 9, 2017

Quilting this week

I'm currently quilting Bosna #5 with lots of space for fancy design combos. 

 Wreaths and ferns.
 Arcs. And wreaths again. 

 And Swirls!