I spent the day painting, gelli printing and stamping, starting with 9x12" papers, and cutting a 6.5" for the envelope and a strip 4x9" for the notecard, and keeping the leftover cuts for collage. There was considerable trimming to fit the cards inside the envelopes, but eventually I got a rhythm going and finished 28 sets. Envelope behind the notecard. Little and cute.

The goal after the card sets were made was to use up the yummy leftover scraps for collage. These are larger and cut to fit already made envelopes which I have been saving. They also got the paint treatment. The scraps were collaged onto quality weight papers, then stamped and ink details were added. This is my fave thing to do!
I have clear cello envelopes to house the card and envelope and will put them together as gifts for future birthday girls at Knit Wit.s
Love these Melody! They do look like you! I would like to give it a try but have no idea how to get started.