Friday, January 1, 2021

A New Year and a New Start

 Happy New Year everyone! Yay! I am really ready to have a new start and get excited about stuff. Altho we have been not been as frustrated as some to be just staying home, a little cabin fever has set in and motivated me to expand my horizons. So with a mad fury I set about clearing out the two front bedrooms to make them inviting and useful. I am only showing the After pictures, because the Before versions were too embarrassing. Since I've been knitting a lot, I kept bringing in bins of yarn from my garage storage shelves and dumping it temporarily in the studio. It became a real mess. First I organized and condensed it all and returned it to the garage. Then I vacuumed and moved the tables etc until I felt I had a decent arrangement. Finally, I put up a small design wall. Can this mean I will return to making stuff to hang on the wall? I think it might. 
This day was overcast and gray, but even without over head lights, the western aspect of these windows will make it warm and inviting to work.
The other room is theorhetically Dave's room, which was also a dumping ground. I moved a lot of stuff into the garage and then the garbage bin. He cannot bear to throw away things "just in case".  I didn't consult, I just tossed. I found better ways to keep his stuff, including cleaning it all first. Somehow chocolate and gooey pink stuff was a major feature of his collected 'equipment'. Then I vacuumed and washed the floor. Sigh, such an improvement. It can now be used for a guest room, should my brother actually come for a visit. 
I moved my chair and ottoman in there too. Heh, heh, heh, (evil laugh). There needs to be a place for me to quietly read, blog or listen to music and be separate from the rest of the house. A place to nap is also part of the plan. I've already tried it out and believe me the sound of the street traffic just lulled me right to sleep. 
Dave enjoys watching TV in our bedroom, which is his private space, so we are even. 

The closet was empty so I moved his three guitars and ukelele in there where they fit just perfectly.  The leftover night stands which hold his stuff got stacked and tucked into the corner. Perfect! It will take vigilance on my part to keep this room as pristine as it is now, but since I intend to use it every morning, I have confidence that it will remain a sanctuary. What I know to be true, once it is out of sight, it is out of mind. 

Now, today, I announced we will be doing something with the living room arrangement. It's a big almost empty space and needs to feel homey and intimate. Our New Year's Day party won't be happening til Sunday afternoon, so we can take our time creating an enjoyable room for ourselves. 

We've been in this house for four months and I am really happy that we moved here. This home is so conducive to our life patterns, and the dogs just love the big back yard and the three shih tzus next door. In fact they're barking at each other right now! 

Here's to a better 2021 with good health to us all! 


  1. Happy New Year! I retired yesterday and am looking forward to the delivery of new furniture for the guest room (my sewing room), organizing what could be miles of fabric, and developing a routine that will include sewing, reading, gardening, and exercising. Reading your blog for many years has set the stage for it!

  2. Yes to seeing more of your wall art, especially the quilted pieces I have admired through your blog for so many years.

  3. Hey Melody! Great to hear you on form and upbeat!! I've been following you for years and just gotta love your enthusiasm! It's infectious!! Hope you have a great 2021!
    Sending hugz to you whether you want them or not !! Ha!

  4. I love how you remake your spaces to suit your current needs, and love the pristine and calm look of your sanctuary. Wishing you a great year!
