Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Pre-Sprouting Seeds

Sometimes I like to pre-sprout my seeds before putting them in the soil. These are French fine green beans, my first time to grow them and I am excited. There are a ton of seeds in a packet, but which will sprout? What if it is too cold to put them in the dirt? I've had seeds turn to mush if they are cold and wet. Not this time. It is already warm enough and I decided to give the patch a head start with this tried and true method of pre-sprouting. Get two small plates, a wet paper towel and pour on the seeds. Cover with the second plate and place near a sunny window, or just in a warm spot.
In two days lift the top plate and see what sprouted.
Pretty cool huh? Ready to pop in the dirt and cover and let the growing begin.
 I'm at the local Walmart super store almost daily and have to check out what has come in and looks enthusiastic. I call this rescue gardening. Can't let sprouted bulbs or roots sit in these bags for long, knowing they will die if not immediately given refuge. I brought home these potato starts and they have been sitting waiting for me to plant them, growing greener in the bag ever since. Shame on me. But they are going in today, since I now have more composted manure for their home. But while I was searching the floor of my pantry in hopes of finding some Kosher salt, I found this stray potato tucked behind some bags of rice. Musta fallen out of a bigger sack. Talk about enthusiasm! Theorhetically potatoes are sprayed with something that is supposed to prevent eyes sprouting. I guess this one didn't get the memo. Into the garden it will go.

Super huge grow bags, which I ordered before I got my Walmart blue bags. I tried to cancel before they got shipped but was minutes too late. They are 20 gallons each and I have ten. Wha? 
 Here's a size comparison.
Of course they do not need to be filled to capacity, just deep enough for the plants that will be in them. The soft sides can be rolled down to let in more light, so perfect for things like green beans. So I am glad to have them. 
Today I am expecting my garden guys to arrive, actually hoping to see them any minute. They will prepare the beds on the north side of the house, removing clay and adding composted manure. I am anxious to begin my shade garden there with these Heuchera (Coral Bells) and Hosta. Not nearly enough, I know. 

I've harvested and eaten some of these lettuces already. One of the romaine was pulled out by a squirrel, even on the porch we are not immune. grrrr. So in it's place I put a sprouted nasturtium which has yet to emerge. 
My patience has been rewarded in this set of six packs. A cucumber and sugar snap pea have shown themselves. I know you can't see them, but I am recording their debut for future reference.

OK, I am going out right now and digging a spot in the peony bed for these perennials. Four Hardy Geraniums. Yay!


  1. Would those bags that you can fold down be good for asparagus? By starting with them rolled down, you could progressively roll them up and add soil to green the spears growing.... couldn’t you? Or do they have too deep a root system for that to work? I garden vicariously though your gorgeous green fingers! Thank you!

    1. I saw a guy (on youtube) use bags to grow asparagus and I think now that I have the bigger black bags I will try to also. What have I got to lose? The one thing I wonder about leaving at my last garden was the asparagus bed. I wonder how it is looking this year? I may have to visit...
