Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Missing Blog Entries?

Dearest Remaining Readers,
I have pretty much abandoned the blog because I so rarely get any feedback from the posts, unless you count spam comments. Looking back on the past year, the blog's views have dwindled and I can see it has become passé. I imagine my readership is more focused on FB or what they are now calling Meta, or just don't look at blogs anymore. 
Thankfully my personal stories have also become pretty uneventful, undramatic and uninteresting, which is kinda nice on my end. Peace and quiet pervades.
So I decided my best way to have an internet presence is through Instagram, where I can post multiple images and can have many more views per post than here on the blog, minus the nasty spam comments.
I've been doing the blog for 17 years...yikes! and it was great, super great while it lasted, but all good things must end, I suppose. 
My stuff will be visible here: instagram.com/fibermania/ 
and on Ravelry here: ravelry.com/projects/Fibermania
I've even closed my Etsy account, as things sell faster on Instagram and so far there are no fees for that.
So I'll just say it has been a great 17 years and I hope you will find me on other platforms and we can stay in touch there. 
Thanks for the memories,


  1. I really enjoy your blog posts - I read through a reader, so it may not show up as a view - I can't cope with instagram - no mobile coverage here! Sorry not to have encouraged you as I should! Blessings in all your future ventures.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Oh and I don't use Facebook as I have no wish to be traced by them.

  3. I've been enjoying your blog posts too. I'm now following you on Instagram.

  4. I've always enjoyed your blog posts! But will now look you up on Instagram.

  5. I love seeing all your work and will migrate with you to IG!

  6. I don't use the other platforms, except FB. But--I have 2 of your treasures in my home to look at every day, so I'm good. Good luck with your different knitting & artistic ventures!

  7. Sad to hear your blog has finished. Will follow on IG.
    All the best,

  8. I'm thankfully already following you on instagram. Sorry I was one of possibly many people reading your blog and not commenting. Thank you for doing all that work for so long, I've enjoyed it even if I didn't say so. You'll still post garden/yard stuff??? I sure hope so!

  9. Have always loved your posts! i do multiple art forms too. love your gardens. will go to instagram. but know that you have lots of friends out here. take care and be well. best regards to your husband too.

  10. I think I have been faithfully following you for almost the 17 years. You have shared so much and I have learned so much from your blog. I was one of the many that checked in everyday but was remiss in leaving comments. I think of all the houses you have had, the moving of furniture in different rooms, getting to buy the hand dyed fabric and following your instructions for ironing the designs down, the jewelry making, the wonderful things you did in various gardens and of course your fabulous knitted items. It's been a great ride. It is so funny that when one follows a blog for so long the blogger feels like a close friend. Your blog was a safe place to go...no politics or drama. We will still be thinking about your DH and his health and sending comforting thoughts out for both of you. See you at one of the other formats. Have a wonderful rest of your life and keep creating!! Mb

  11. I've been with you all the way -- and just forwarded a link to your blog to my sister this week! I will have to figure out Instagram to keep up with your lovely, lovely creations. Thanks for all these years of blog inspiration.

  12. I've been quietly following your blog for many years. I too have been remiss in commenting...I've just enjoyed checking in when you've posted. I've loved it all... the knitting, beautiful houses, fabric dyeing, jewelry and also your beautiful gardens and plants. I also follow you on instragram and will look forward to seeing your pictures there. All the very best to you and your husband and thank you for sharing all these years.

  13. I too have been remiss, Melody - I have followed you for years and have one of your beautiful art quilts (done in Sedona colors!) and a lovely scarf. Yet I have seldom commented - my bad. I love your work in all of its iterations and will continue to follow you on other sites. I wish you and Dave peace and health. ❤️

  14. I will miss you. I don’t like FB or Instagram, although I have accounts on them and occasionally go there. Thanks for all the years of the blog.

  15. Thank you so much.I have loved following your blog although I don’t comment, sorry. Your art is amazing and so inspirational. So thank you again and I will continue to follow you on Instagram. Best wishes to you.

  16. Sorry I don't comment either as I read ALL your posts in Feedly. But I have followed you for many years when you were still going to Houston and were involved with the school of fusing. Will miss you because I don't do Instagram or FB. Good luck and best wishes. Annick H.

  17. I can read but I simply can't reply. The only way I can is through Firefox using my google account. I'm sure others are having equal frustrations. The same goes for one other blogspot blog I frequent, Jane Blundell. So it's not that people aren't reading. They are. They simply can't reply or comment.

  18. I don't to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Whatsapp. I'm sorry to hear you are moving to Instagram as I will not sign up for it and Instagram doesn't allow you to read only without signing up. So I will not longer be able to read or see anything you do. Disappointing as I've been following you for a few years now.

  19. I view your blog many times a week. I've been following for several years and love all the photos and stories. Even all the house changes! LOL!! :) Much love!

    ~Becky in Indiana

  20. I can understand your reasons for giving up the blog, and I will do my best to follow you on Instagram. Like others who have written in, I will miss all the things you write about--the words you line up. You have a very distinctive voice, and I've much enjoyed listening to it for these past years. All best wishes for the move!

  21. Well, if you’re switching to IG, I will follow you there. And I’ll be thinking of you come Thanksgiving because DH and I are really looking forward to having the “Turkey lasagna” from your recipe!

  22. I understand it works better for you Melody, but I'm not sure I'll be able to follow you. I don't have Instagram, although I do have Facebook. Is there a way I can link up through that? I've followed you since I learnt so much from you in your "Chicago School of Fusing" days, when I was also learning how to dye and manipulate fabric. I've enjoyed your home-making adventures, your wonderful use of colour in each house and appreciated your courage in tackling the many issues Dave's health has thrown up. I do hope all is well with you both. Thanks for the journey.

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  24. I hope your past posts will remain up for review. I've learned so much from your posts re quilting and I dearly love your gardening posts. Then your knitting posts which I hope to refer to again (knitting is difficult for me.)
    I love your posts and hope we can re-vistit them.

  25. I do enjoy your blogs - but whatever works well for you is the way to go! Your work inspires me!

  26. Thanks for letting us know, Melody! I will definitely follow you on instagram. Glad to hear that all is well and uneventful with you - uneventful is good sometimes, isn't it? I'll miss you in blogland, best wishes to you and Dave!

  27. So sorry that you are abandoning your blog. I have loved reading it over many years, gaining inspiration for quilting, knitting, and house decorating. Thanks for bringing so much joy into my life.

  28. I don't remember how I found you, I do read blog posts, just not much to say, I too am a peaceful rural lady that has lost my friend to the jab. I wish you well just wish you could funnel some things to the blog for those of us here. Am a quilter not a knitter though seeing your things was very nice. Will follow you on Pinterest. I don't get bugged there to chat with anyone, not needed. Thank you for the time I have enjoyed your posts. Be well always.

  29. Well now you got comments!! The trouble with Instagram is that there is no story, no personal connection, usually just a photo and very few words. What we have all loved about you is the multiple photos and words, lots of them. I do hope you will reconsider next spring anyway and show us your beautiful flowers and bushes, etc. I can understand in the winter with your knitting and selling that Instagram is probably the best way to go.

    1. Yes, I will miss the blog posts and photos of how the garden and the yard are progressing and what changes are made to the house.

  30. I will miss your presence here. I'm on Instagram, but it's not my favorite media. :-)

  31. I don't comment much but I check your blog daily and truly look forward to seeing and reading about your projects. I will miss you.

  32. I, too have enjoyed getting your blog posts in my inbox and wish I had commented. Your work is lovely. Best wishes for posting elsewhere.

  33. I've read all your blog posts, for years (my dad had Parkinson's so I feel for you and Dave), following your many moves and houses and gardens, but especially your quilts. Your quilts are WOW. I've saved articles and photos of them over the years, hoping to be bolder and try artsy improv projects when I retire and have more free time. I also really appreciate your teaching us about shape and color (and fusing) in 2016. I don't do Instagram, rarely get on Facebook, but have bookmarked your Pinterest page - ooooh such eye candy!

  34. I've so enjoyed your journey. I'll miss you because I don't do Instagram. Take care!

  35. I have followed you for many years. Recently I have missed the snippets of your family and doggie life. Love the gardening posts. I enjoy hearing about your creative works and how you move from fabric to art to knitting to cooking to redecorating and back again. Even though I don't comment often, I have still enjoyed all of your posts and will miss them. Thank you for sharing!

  36. I always read your Blog, but probably won't bother with Instagram.

  37. Oh No ... Melody! Don't leave the blog behind! I look every day and have followed you on all of your house moves and adventures is gardening.
    I love hearing about the doggoes and how Dave is and your sister..... your quilting and fusing experiments and so forth.
    I am sure there are so many folk like me who just love having you in their lives. I never comment as I doubt you would be interested in anything I would have to say... you always seem so confident and put together....
    Please reconsider.... I for one would miss you so much. I'm sure we would all comment ... I didn't realise you would have liked a dialogue ....

  38. Not a knitter but a gardener and quilter. Blogs and FB are enough for me. But it is becoming a challenge to comment as internet in our boonies is iffy. You are inspiring!

  39. Thank you for all your years of blogging, Melody.  I have read with fascination about all the changes you've been through and I'm in awe of all the many things you excel at.  You're dealing with a lot and to spend the time to tell us about your life has been so generous of you.  I will be sure to follow you on Instagram, but will miss the extended stories of the ways you reimagine your homes, gardens, quilting, clothing construction and art.  Your knitting is extraordinary. I'm sorry you didn't get the feedback you were looking for.  I know I haven't commented a lot recently, but it's not because you were unread.  Sometimes life just gets in the way, or I don't feel I have anything to add.  I wish you and your husband the best.  Enjoy your and quiet. :)

  40. I'm so sad. I still have your bookmark at the top. And I don't use Instagram all that much.

  41. Darn it! I loved reading your blogs and your journey with your houses, dogs, Dave, gardens, quilting and knitting. Thank you for the 17 years and I will follow you on Instagram but I will miss the blog entries

  42. I, too, have been reading but not responding. I'm sorry. I've enjoyed your fabulous quilts, your gardens, your knitting, your houses, your challenges with hubby's health and how graciously you handled them. I am lucky to have a wall hanging, Budding 2, which I thoroughly enjoy.
    Best wishes and thanks for sharing your life with so many. I shall miss reading your blog. Wish you and hubby the best.

  43. I have always enjoyed your blogs, especially the slice of life ones! Love the gardening, too! I will miss this

  44. I have learned so much from you, thank you!

  45. I've enjoyed your posts for many years. I wish you well.

  46. Have enjoyed your blog posts through the years and will miss hearing the latest gardening and moving of furniture news. I have used your lazy dying technique successfully and filed many of your tips and tricks for "quilt as you go" for later down the road. Best wishes to you and Dave as well as the pugs. Thanks for taking the time to share your life with us through the years.

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  48. I found a pattern of yours this morning from 2001..... I was looking for a new package of diapers. So happy that Google keeps better track of you than I did. Just stopping by to say HI !

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  53. Én annyira, de annyira sajnálom, hogy már nem írod a blogodat.

  54. sorry to hear, I was a long time blog reader. I have still checked the blog but will just check IG now

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