Our builder has posted photos for us to see the latest progress. The gables are going to be painted the same color as the siding. The front porch concrete has been poured and our giant picture window, a special order, has finally arrived and is installed.

The width of the front of the house is 34', but the yard itself is short. The street curves, and there is sidewalk and curb at the street edge, so the remaining area, not counting front steps, will be all there is to the yard. I am planning a short walled garden on either side of the steps, running right to the sidewalk edge. It will be brick to match the house brick, what little there is of it. I am in 'garden mode' already and this little walled garden is on my mind daily.

The back end of the house, porch and patio, is also poured. The porch will be screened in and the pad will offer a space for the grill and flower pots. It faces west. The only grass will be on the sides of the house, shared with the neighbor.

The living room insulation is going in, and drywall comes next. O boy!

It's a gloomy rainy day here so far, but my spirits are soaring. I needed the rain to soak all my new plantings. Dianthus, pansies, begonias, lithodora and petunias.

This is lithodora, a perennial ground cover with the bluest flowers ever. I got enough to pot up for the new house, and put several in the ground here. Our pear trees are loaded with buds, and about to burst open. Same with the redbuds. It is being a glorious Spring already.

but...... it becomes well!
ReplyDeleteI see lots of hanging flower baskets in your future!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see your place when it's all finished and garden on the go! Keep us posted won't you!
ReplyDeleteLithodora is an all-time favorite of mine too ~ ~ such a brilliant blue and so many blooms. It will brighten both gardens!
ReplyDeleteI am really enjoying following along on your new house's progress. It is so much fun to plan what is going to happen in a new place. I love that you have a porch, AND a picture window! I haven't had a porch for a few years, but I used to like to sit on mine and watch the world go by. And, a picture window is a good second for world-watching!
ReplyDeleteLOVE the house color!!! It's so you!!! I love watching houses come together, so exciting!!!
ReplyDeleteI also love the house color. One of my guest rooms looks like it's the same color. It's happy, cheerful, and welcoming. I also like the idea of low yard maintenance with room for flowers. Your current house is beautiful as well. If I were a potential buyer I think I would have to ask for one or two (or more) quilts in the deal! Good luck with your new adventure.
ReplyDeleteI'm just being curious (and maybe you have previously explained): why are you moving from the house that you just recently built to another new home?