Monday, January 1, 2024

New year ! . . .new me?

Naaaah, it's the same old me, but with a few tweaks. 

I'm not one for making resolutions, but I am not against a course correction or two. 

If I said I will be drinking alcohol a lot less, it is because I have already been doing that for the last few years. I get night leg cramps if I drink more than a glass of wine (my fave beverage, after tea) and of course I get brain fog, which at my age is already in the running for the top spot in ....sorry, what were we talking about?

Getting more exercise? Geesh. OK I am actually doing that. Since we moved here, I have an 8 to 10 minute WALK away from my church, and I attend Sunday 9am, Weds. Eucharist 8am, Thursday Bible Study 10am, so that is what I consider my exercise routine. I like to think of those old women in Sicily who walk to the market daily, up and down the hillside, and live to be ancient. 

Eating healthier. Um, yeah. This is new, actually. After making umpteenth dozens of Christmas cookies,(see recipe at the bottom of this post)  with tons and tons of butter and sugar, it is easy to feel yuck at the thought of more of the same. But I have also recalled that I had planned on more of a plant based diet when I moved to this house last summer. I was also in the process of moving Dave to memory care, and thinking I would only be cooking for one, I got all excited about eating the way I wanted, like more salads and less messy frying etc. 

But then when Dave and I agreed that he would return home, I went back to my old way of cooking, to please him.
This was our 45th anniversary dinner in December. Where's the green veg?

But as I was complaining to my sister Brooke about this, she remarked, "You are the mother in this house" and she is right, as usual. So I began infiltrating more and more vegs and limiting the grease bombs that used to fill out our menus. Not eliminating it. Still have bacon, but as a garnish not a banquet. We still eat way too much cheese, so I will remember that if I don't buy it, we won't eat it. So simple. Did I mention that I got put on statins last year? Yeah, well. 

OK enough about physical stuff. Let's talk about my buying stuff habits. 
This is from an upcoming estate sale. Can you stand it? All that fabric, so neatly folded and stored in a gorgeous cabinet? My first thought, 
I should have this 
But naaaah. I have no place for it, and won't actually use it. But ooooohh. So pretty. 
When I chose this 1149 square foot house, it was because I wanted to really really downsize, and I still feel that way. Going to estate sales is very educational. All the stuff we collect and then have to deal with or our kids have to deal with it after we depart, well, you know you can't take it with you. Therefore, I will seriously limit what I bring home. She said...

On the other hand...Goodwill is 30% off on Wednesdays.

Here's the recipe of the best cookies I made this holiday season
Ina Garten's Shortbread with my additions
Makes a lotta cookies, rich but not overly sweet. 

3 1/2 cups flour
3 sticks of butter
1 cup of sugar
1 t vanilla
zest and juice of three limes (my brilliant idea)
1 cup of finely chopped walnuts or pecans if you got 'em
Bake at 350 degrees for like 20-25 minutes or until brown around the edges. 

Here's my fave trick with this recipe. Lay some plastic wrap on the counter and dump the dough onto it. Flatten it into a rectangle by topping it with another layer of plastic wrap. Then cut the 1/2" thick dough into rectangles and place those in rows on the cookie sheet. They don't spread much but still need a bit of space between them. 

We kept eating those, and I had to make a second batch in order to include them in the cookie gifts for the family. 
Thanks for your enthusiasm for my return to blogging. What a gift you are to me!!
Happy New Year!


  1. Welcome back to the world of blog. I have missed you. Would love to hear about the new house. Sharon in CO

  2. So nice to hear from you again, Melody! I have one of your fused tulip quilt pictures in one of my bathrooms here in my home in California, so I see it & think of you very often. Was wondering how you & Dave were doing. Happy New Year!

  3. I am another who is very happy to see you back. I think of you from time to time and am so grateful to have taken that dye workshop in Soddy Daisy so many years ago. Hugs!

  4. Oh, I would buy that armoire full of fabric in a heartbeat and then just make room for it by eliminating something else. It even has a little table that folds out!

    I don't make resolutions but am doing the same as you. I switched gyms so I can get in my 160 minutes a week of exercise, plus I am taking the dogs and my hiking poles to the dog park and we are taking two turns around the perimeter every Friday. That is 1/2 a mile. I'm starting to cook again rather than just microwave. With that comes less salt. I don't need to be on a low sodium diet but we Americans eat too much of it along with too much protein, especially red meat. So trying to cut back on the salt, sugar and actually increase the red meat to once a week and the chicken to twice a week. I too eat way too much cheese. I'm actually trying to eat two meals a day rather than one.

    There is nothing wrong with cookies as long as they are occasional and not the entree, side and dessert.

  5. Welcome back, Mel. I have really missed you!

  6. So good to sit and begin ro read blog posts and who should be the first post from - you! Happy New Year to you and Dave and so happy to see you back, off now to read your newer posts.

  7. Actually thank you for being a gift to us! Again, welcome back to blogging.
