The plant collection, so far. At this point, I have no place to plant these babies, but my landscaper Nick is coming next Monday to get the garden ready for me, and I can hardly wait. I am only buying 'bargains' at this point, altho I am awaiting a mail order of plants from Michigan Bulb which are more or less regular priced goodies. I did invest in one pricey plant, a geranium praetense, a dark leafed purple hardy geranium.

The little basil and blue bedder sage seedlings are doing quite well and I am putting them out daily to harden off.
In this saucer I am pre-sprouting Hyacinth bean seeds, a great flowering vine which I have been growing in all my TN gardens since one of my readers sent me seeds.

In these buckets I have Cinnamon Fern and Ostrich Fern, which I am pretty excited to grow. I have lots of wet shady areas to let these fill with their leafy goodness.

Two little baggies of hosta sprouts, Big Blue, which they are anything but. Just roots and a tiny shoot each. I believe they will be big plants before long. Home Depot had a plant sale on the weekend so I got flats of begonias, vinca and marigolds.

This bucket holds 5 Peony roots and I chose Bowl of Beauty because the flowers don't topple over as quickly as the multi-petaled varieties.

These are pink Bleeding Heart roots. Pretty ugly but ready to become lovely flowers, as soon as I can get them planted.

On a different note. I brought this quilt to church to get some good photos on our design wall. This Friendship Star quilt is going to be a part of a fundraiser for Hope House, a Presbyterian outreach center at the University of TN Chattanooga.