Citrus Collage #1, 9x12", painted papers, monoprinting, stamping, drawing, crayon, ink, scraffito, mounted on wood panel. $100
Email me.
Orange, lemon, lime, pink grapefruit: such yummy colors. One can't help feeling joyous combining them.
Speaking of joyous, Dave has had a very good few days and yesterday we cleared out the dead stuff from the garden, raked the leaves off the back porch, including the gutters and had a great evening watching Netflix together.
Earlier in the week I received my second shingles vaccine and while the first one was easy, the second one months later was debilitating. I stayed in bed a whole day. I am fine again, thank heaven and glad I won't be having shingles ever again. Or that shot.
It has gotten cold, just in time for Thanksgiving and we are sharing it with my sister and niece. I am grateful to have them five minutes from home.
I am making
Turkey Lasagna again. It's not really lasagna, just stuffing layered with turkey or vice versa. It can all be made ahead, keeping the fuss to a minimum on Thanksgiving day. Brooke, my sister is making roasted root veggies, and there will be sweet potatoes from my garden, which I never thought I would ever get to say. I am definitely living my dream life.