And now for the next episode in the Peripatetic Life of the Johnsons...
The movers will move us on Sept. 2 but there are lots of things we can bring over ourselves in the meantime.
Closing day: What a great day we had. Wednesday night we loaded the car prior to closing on Thursday and went directly to the new house after an effortless closing where we met the guy, Vadim from Poland, that flipped the house. What a lovely man and so clever with his work. It just goes to show how important immigrants are to creating the American dream for themselves, and then of course for moi.
We entered the house through the garage, and looked about at all the rooms which to me appeared a lot smaller after all my imaginings over the last few weeks. But they are just the right size after all, so not disappointed in the least. I chose the larger of the two bedrooms in the front of the house for my studio, since I have to fit in my newest twin size bed, aka the Nap Bed. For this first trip I just brought the two Janomes and my serger and the light bars that go with, and almost all the canvases I have been storing for lo these many years. With many more blank walls and bright light from the many windows, it is the perfect setting for paintings, collages and of course quilts. I am back!!

And then we returned to the East Ridge home for the second load. Most of what we brought were small appliances, pots and pans, canned goods and paper packaged goods. The cabinets, pantry and cleaning supply closet gave me oodles of choices of where to put the stuff, which I will no doubt move around as I use them.
It took all of 15 minutes to unload and put away things and as I promised Dave, we went to eat lunch. It was 2:30 by then and while we aimed at Hardee's, we ended up trying the El Cortez Mexican restaurant right behind it. We were the only customers and began with a celebratory Negra Modelo beer. It has been so long since we ate out! And the food was excellent, carnitas of course. A great start.
With a full belly, we headed back and I fell into bed for a deep sleep.
Friday we will fill the car up again and make two trips, chipping away at the stuff we can move ourselves. Should be cooler than the jungle temps we had today.
We saw our neighbor's doggies today, two little shih tzus. Barkers both, to join with our barkers. Hopefully our neighbor will agree to let our pugs into their fenced yard to play and cut down on the barkathon.
Vadim left us with partial cans of paint ( o NO!) which Dave is all thrilled about. There is one big chip that needs patching over the jacuzzi tub. Other than that, nothing I must attend to. New shower heads have to be purchased since I like a handheld head to rinse out those nooks and crannies, and a shower curtain for the guest bath.
We discovered that the street light is on the pole at the end of the driveway, but luckily on the other side of bedroom windows, so I will have a dark night for sleeping.
The only utility I haven't taken care of is the gas company (for our new water heater), and will find out who it is and get that changed tomorrow.
Peace reigns supreme for us now and we are thanking God for providing this new place for us. Currently the high school behind us is having a football game, with blaring loudspeakers. Won't miss that! We have no neighbors behind us at the new place, just a long field and then woods. Yay!

The view from the back yard. On the right are Concord grape vines. I can tell you right now I will not be making grape jelly. They gotta go. But the framework they are on might become a setting for climbers like clematis or roses or both. We'll see.