Dearest Reader, Well, so much has happened since last we spoke. I was at my wits ends with Dave and mentioned it all to my doctor when I went in for a checkup (I'm fine, so nothing there to speak of). She had mentioned Hospice months earlier and I was just not ready to hear this advice, until now. I called Hospice and they said we needed a doctor's referral. so I called for that but it was Memorial Day weekend, so it was the Tuesday after that Hospice called and set up an appointment for an evaluation.
We passed of course. It turns out that Hospice is not just for the end of life folks. Dave is healthy in every way except for his long term Parkinson's and now dementia and paranoid psychosis. Phew! But I learned that hospice can take care of all his and my needs, FOR FREE through Medicare. We have a nurse come in twice a week to take his vitals, another nurse comes in twice a week to bathe and shave him, and we also have a social worker and chaplain once a month. A volunteer comes in and sits with Dave for a couple of hours while I am at bible study. And if I need a few days away, they will bring Dave to a place where he can be cared for and I can have a vacation. Amazing. There are doctors and pharmacies involved if we need them, and a hospital bed, walker, cane, bath chair, etc. if we request. Who knew? And there is no time limit on this care.
So naturally I am floating on waves of relief and have already begun to get my life back in bits and pieces.

I've moved my rooms around again, so that I once more have a sewing room. O my how wonderful it is to have this haven for creativity. I have saved (for 8 years!) a bunch of beautiful Kaffe Fassett fabrics for tops and ordered some coordinating Waverly cottons for pants and shorts. I made a really cute dress from New Look 6414
but it turned out too small. Darn. So I gave it to my pal Patsy who fits it perfectly.

Undaunted, I redrafted the pattern, made it again and now it fits me. It's not quite a dress in this length, more of a tunic, which I wear with crisp white pants.
I spent a large part of a day searching for all my sewing supplies which got stored in closets and boxes, etc. and have ordered a cabinet to keep them all centrally located in the studio. In doing that search, of course I found other things which had 'gone missing' since I put everything away to focus on just caring for Dave. My reasoning was that if I paid attention to him all day, everyday, things would improve. It did work, but of course I was denying the need to have me-time. Resentment set in, under the surface, and it was a nasty thing. But let's just forget all that and concentrate on how wonderful things are now. Yay!

I am loving this new coneflower, Tres Sombreros, which is going nuts in the front garden.

And the lettuces I started in March in egg shells have grown huge, and I am harvesting the heads and have enjoyed them in salads regularly.
Things around the house have improved too. My wonderful brother in law, John, has painted my front door, and it happens to match my blue flower pots. I am so coordinated!

The electrician returned after a four month hiatus and finished rewiring the whole house, adding two much needed outlets and changing out the ceiling lights in the living room. So happy. There had been plans to build a front deck like I had in my previous house, but I opted for the flower bed instead and since that is going gangbusters, I am so glad I made that choice. Turns out that our carport is the perfect spot for a couple of chaise lounges, a dining table and even a planter table. I love having the breezey shade while I enjoy an iced tea and read a library book.
I'll be keeping you up to date on things more regularly now, as I have the mental space to do so. Hurray!