The rectangular bed and the big 100 gallon bed are opened in my living room. The round one looks like a deflated ballon, but it will be upstanding when filled. The rectangular bed is 48"x 24" by 12"deep.
The round one is 50" in diameter and 12" deep. All the big round beds are already sold out on Temu. But I got three more smaller versions, 3' in diameter. I think this is enough of a garden, but wait, there's more! I also got ten 30gal bags.
I am considering ordering bags of soil from Lowe's or Walmart and having them deliver. We'll see what that entails.

Here's the first big project in the front of the house. I want to remove all the sod, which is mainly weeds and Bermuda grass, and then fill it with new weed-free compost and top soil. We had a good two days of constant rain, which makes the hard-as-rock ground much softer and to test it, I got out my spade and began to dig.

Fifteen minutes of digging and I had my wheelbarrow full. Where to put this stuff? In my back yard are big holes from trees that were removed before we bought the house. I am filling those with this sod. Dave woke up from his nap and I showed him how easy it is to pry up a chunk and he tried and of course it worked. I asked him if he thinks he might be able to do this for me, a little at a time, day by day, and he agreed. We'll see if he remembers this when next I ask for his help. It is supposed to rain tomorrow, so we'll have to wait a couple of days.

I uprooted a bunch of daffodils and put them in this porch rail planter. They were in the middle of the bed and I needed them out of there. But I couldn't get them all as some have grown right through the edging. They may get sacrificed.
My sister called and asked me if I was going a little crazy and did I need an intervention? Possibly, but it is all flexible at this stage. She is concerned that I will again get overwhelmed at the end of summer and wanna quit and sell my house. It seems to her that this has happened before, several times. But that isn't exactly the case.
We had to move for other reasons, and I was overwhelmed for sure, but it had more to do with not being able to properly care for Dave, the house, the dogs and the garden. With this smaller house, which is so much easier to maintain and with this less fancy-schmancy neighborhood, I am not so pressured to have a perfect yard.
Also she is worried about the chickens who live in the house behind me. They occasionally come into our way-back, but so far haven't ventured into the area I want to plant. If they do, I have plans to protect my plants. Luckily we don't have deer, rabbits or chipmunks, and so far no sign of moles or voles. I am hoping I have finally found the right spot to make this garden work.